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9 Mistakes to Avoid When You Clean Your Car

clean car
Photo by V.iann from Shutterstock

Cleaning, wiping, and puffing around with your favorite cleaning products—isn’t that fun? In this episode, Wipe and Organize will teach you how to properly clean your car.

Truth be told, we are OBSESSED with efficient tips on how to clean everything, from kitchen stoves to walls to bed sheets and, of course, cars! So if you thought we were going to let that one slide, no.

There are many ways in which you can efficiently clean your car by yourself at home without needing to spend money on a car wash. You can use that money to buy your favorite Parmigiano.

You wouldn’t want your car to end up caked in dirt and dust, right? The debris can slowly contribute to the rust on top of it, so cleaning your car is mandatory, at least every couple of weeks. Let’s see what you need to avoid if you want to properly wash your car:

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