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Avoid Using Paper Towels to Clean These 4 Items

paper towels
Image By Pixel-Shot From Shutterstock

Your hands when you are cooking

Speaking of using paper towels in the kitchen, we all use them to wipe our hands when cooking. After all, it is very easy to grab a hold of the roll and wipe your greasy, wet, or sticky fingers before going on to the next step.

However, they are not the best choice when it comes to cooking. If you are putting together a bigger meal, you can end up wasting a lot of paper towels, as we are all prone to forgetting we got one or just throwing it out after barely touching it.

Instead of relying too much on paper towels, keep a kitchen towel around or get into the habit of using an apron! We are sure you have one lying around in a cupboard or something of the sort, and it is high time you make use of it.

They are great not only for protecting your clothes while you cook from any stray splatters, but they are also good to use when you need to wipe your hands.

If you need to, rinse your fingers or wash them if they are too sticky or greasy, then wipe the excess water on your apron before you go to the next step.

This will not only save you from having to purchase tons of paper towels but also help you make use of all the items in your kitchen.

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