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5 Shocking Items to NEVER Store in the Bathroom

never store in the bathroom
Image By Gary Perkin From Shutterstock

Expired items

Yes, we know this is pretty broad, but when was the last time you thought about the expired items in your bathroom?

There are lots of items that you use on your body or that you take that have been living in your bathroom for way too long, and at this point, they are a bacteria haven or they can potentially be dangerous.

Take a trip down memory lane and look through everything in the bath!

Common things like makeup, lipstick, cleansers, toothpaste, sunscreen, and nail polish, just to name a few, have a very limited shelf life, and if you have opened them and not used them by the time they expire, you can end up with some pretty bad skin reactions.

To check if your toiletries are still in their best to-be-used date, look on the back of the products on the tiny container that will have a 3M, 6M, or 12M, etc., just to name a few on them.

Those are the months you should be using it; after that, the company does not guarantee it is still safe to use.

A good idea is to throw out anything you cannot remember when you purchased it or when you last used it. Especially medicine that is not kept in airtight containers or plasters.

You can easily ruin them.

And while you’re at it, if you have not changed your toothbrush in the last 3 months, upgrade it to a cleaning tool, and if you cannot remember when you bought your loofah, it is ready to go towards cleaning supplies as well.

Those are generally collecting germs over time, and you need to change them more often than you think.

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One Response

  1. Wonderful tips! Thank you! I had a lot of little hand creams and lotions so I grabbed a large lotion pump container and emptied all my spare lotions into it.
    What a space saver and didn’t waste a drop of my skin lotions. Aloha.