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4 Amazing Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks for a Sparkling Home

hydrogen peroxide hacks
Photo by Jesse Franks from

These hydrogen peroxide hacks will change the way you clean your home!

More than 60% of the people who use harsh chemicals for cleaning purposes are concerned about their health. If you want to say goodbye to the strong fumes and skin irritation, you can use hydrogen peroxide instead.

This is a budget-friendly alternative that is hiding in plain sight. You probably have it in your medicine cabinet, so why not use it? Stay with us and find out how to have a spotless home using only hydrogen peroxide. From kitchen grime to bathroom mold, you can clean almost anything using this magic solution.

So ditch the harsh chemicals and embrace this eco-conscious way to achieve a sparkling home.

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2 Responses

  1. A lot of times I use peroxide to clean my cell phone. I heard cell phones can have more germs than a toilet seat. I spray a soft cloth with the peroxide and it sparkles and is sanitized at the same time. Cheaper than glass cleaner or wipes.

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