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9 Household Items You Probably Aren’t Washing Enough

Cleaning is a challenging task. Many times, no matter how hard and how often you dust, scrub and clean, there are still places or things that require extra attention. Or items that you usually disregard when it comes to cleaning. Like the following items in your home that you’re probably not cleaning enough. Curious to find out where your cleaning skills are required a little more? Then read on to find out just that.

The most neglected items in your home

We are all aware of certain things in our homes that require constant cleaning and washing like the dishes, the kitchen counters, the bathroom items etc. Unfortunately, other items are often overlooked, either because you no longer have time to do it or because you simply don’t know how.

If you suspect there are areas or items in your home that you usually don’t include on your cleaning schedule, take a look at what experts recommend in order for your house to be neat and tidy.


Most people wash the sheets and pillowcases but neglect to wash the actual pillows. What team are you on? If your pillows have not seen a thorough cleaning in a while, it’s time you give them the proper treatment.

Pillows should not be overlooked as they can collect quite a lot of dust mites and bacteria, as well as body oils, smells and sweat. Washing them will not only contribute to your overall health but it will also help them last longer.

According to Marla Mock, president of Molly Maid, pillows should be washed twice a year, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. In the case of foam pillows, for example, the recommendation is to hand wash them and avoid putting them in the washing machine.

Photo by TY Lim on Shutterstock

Fan blades

You wouldn’t believe the amount of dust and grime that can be found on fan blades. when it comes to cleaning the fan blades, many people stick to the motto: “out of sight, out of mind”. But rather than having dust spread all over the room, take an old pillow case and a ladder and clean those dirty blades. In addition to eliminating a dust source, you’ll also keep the blades operational for longer and make them look good again.

According to Mock, fan blades should be cleaned at least once a month. During warmer seasons, dust accumulates faster, so they might need to be cleaned a bit more often, let’s say twice a month. Use the pillowcase to draw the dust towards you, thus preventing any debris from falling on the ground. Then use a cloth and an all-purpose cleaner to get the residual grime off the base and light accessories.

See also:Experts Say You’re Not Cleaning These 12 Areas in Your Bathroom

Floors under your furniture

One of the most overlooked areas in a home is under the furniture. If you have kids or pets that stash all sorts of toys and whatnot under the sofa or bed, then you’re probably cleaning the underneath area more often. But still no often enough to get rid of all the dust and grime in there.

“Dust and dirt love to hide under beds, sofas and other large pieces of furniture,” warns Mock. It’s not for no reason that so many people develop allergies. It’s because of the uncleaned dust lurking in the most hidden places.

According to cleaning specialists, the floor under large pieces of furniture, under the sofa or bed, should be cleaned with a dust mop at leas once a month. You can also try vacuuming those areas if the appliance fits in there. If necessary, don’t hesitate to move the furniture in order to have better access to the problematic areas.

Between oven and cabinets

There’s a space between the oven and the kitchen cabinets where all the crumbs, spills and God know what other gross things go. If there’s a nasty smell in your kitchen and you cannot identify the culprit, try checking that gap. You might be surprised by what you find there, including bugs.

How to clean that area? As recommended by Mock, fold a butter knife in a damp cloth and go over the crevasses to eliminate crumbs, dust and grime. Do this a few times until the area seems clean. Then remove the remaining grime with a cloth dampened in vinegar. After the area is free of any gunk, seal it either with rubber weatherstripping or a commercial sealing product.

Silverware tray

Looking for a spoon and finding all sorts of crumbs in the process is not exactly a pleasant experience. Whether your dishwasher is not doing its job properly or someone in the house is constantly leaving the drawer open, it’s clear that your drawer is in need of a thorough clean.

“Once a month, remove all your silverware from the tray and dump out the debris over your trash can or sink,” recommends Mock. Put some vinegar in a spray bottle, add water and use the mix to spray and wash the inside of the drawer and silverware tray. If the manufacturer did not specify otherwise and it’s safe, you can also put the tray in the dishwasher.

Microwave ceiling

If your microwave is placed above eye level, you might not see all the dust and dirt gathered there.

It’s normal for food to splatter when you cook. What’s not normal is to leave it there, and be covered by other layers of splatters. And the area that most people don’t clean enough is the microwave’s ceiling. As explained by Mock, you should wash this area once a week. She suggests combining 1 cup of water with /4 cup of vinegar in a bowl. Heat the bowl with the mix for a couple of minutes. Then wipe the walls and the ceiling with a sponge and voila! You’ve now got a freshly clean microwave, ceiling included.

Remote control

The remote control is one of the highest touched items in a household. It is also one of the germiest. This means it is in dire need of a constant cleaning. Unfortunately, many people either don’t clean the remote control enough or don’t clean it at all.

According to cleaning experts, this particular item should be cleaned at least once a week due to everyone touching it on a daily basis. Cleaning it is quite simple: just use disinfecting wipes to make sure you eliminate all viruses and germs, particularly during colder months.


Many people believe, for good reason, that appliances that clean other items, such as dishwashers, are self-cleaning. Nothing further from the truth. Some might have a self-cleaning option, but that is not enough to eliminate all the dirt they accumulate.

As explained by Haven Polich, product manager of appliance company ASKO Americas, it is important for you to clean the appliances thoroughly to protect their performance and extend their lifespan.

In the case of dishwashers, it is recommended to clean them once a month if you’re using it regularly. If not, every couple of months should be enough.  Pay special attention to the drain strainer and floor of the dishwasher,” recommends Polich. If your dishwasher lacks the self-cleaning option, you can use vinegar to eliminate detergent buildups and hard-water stains.

Speaking of dishwashers, if you want to know how to have squeaky clean dishes, check out this article: Can’t Get Crystal Clear Dishes out of the Dishwasher? This Is Why!

Photo by Benjamin Clapp on Shutterstock

Shower door track

Cleaning the glass shower doors is not an easy task, but while most of us focus on doing a good job with them, we neglect the shower door track. That part of the shower can gather all sorts of stuff such as mildew, soap scum and hard-water stains.

Jeramy Sibley, president of Glass Doctor, insists on cleaning the shower track doors once a month or whenever you feel that the doors do not open smoothly. He recommends putting some white distilled vinegar in the microwave for 30 seconds, dipping a paper towel in it and then leaving the paper towels on the tracks for half or a full hour. After removing them, put some baking soda on a sponge and clean the track. Finally, rinse them with water.

A smart hack to having shiny tracks and frame? Using car wax! “A light coat of WD-40 or silicone spray on the rollers, and you will be good to go,” says Sibley.

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