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7 Dirtiest Places in Your Bathroom (the Toilet Isn’t No. 1)

Which are the dirtiest places in your bathroom?

Yes, the toilet seat is definitely one of them, but you’ll be surprised to learn that the enameled seat isn’t the most gross item in your bathroom. Knowing where the dirtiest spots are and how to clean them is key to ensuring the place stays hygienic, which will translate to the rest of your house.

As one of the germiest areas in your house, your bathroom requires special attention when it comes to cleaning in order to avoid spreading bacteria throughout the entire house and keep a clean space. If it’s not properly cleaned, the bathroom can turn into a place where germs and mold thrive quickly.

Having a sanitary and spotless bathroom will make this place more inviting for you, your family, and guests alike, which is why we’ve spoken with some experts, and they’ve revealed the dirtiest places in your bathroom and how to clean them correctly. Check this out!

dirtiest places in your bathroom
Photo by Tero Vesalainen from Shutterstock

1. Shower head

Showed head is one of the spots that are often neglected when cleaning, making it one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom. Cleaning experts explain that the water that flows through showerheads and taps can contain germs and bacteria. Moreover, the showerhead has tiny openings for the water to go through.

These openings can get clogged with dirt, turning into a breeding ground for biofilm, which is a bacterium that builds up with time and spreads to the shower water as it gushes through. Combine this with the fact that you probably never clean those tiny holes, and your showerhead becomes one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom.

The solution? Clean it regularly to prevent debris from sticking to and clogging the tiny openings. These mini brushes from Amazon are the perfect tools for this kind of job because they effectively reach grime in the shower head holes.

2. Bathroom floor

Bathroom floors are exposed to soap residue, hair, soap, and other contaminants, so it’s no surprise it’s one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom. The tiles and grout between them can collect all the things mentioned above, leading to mildew and mold growth if not cleaned and dried properly.

But that’s not all; cleaning experts point out that you should pay unique attention to the toilet floor, especially across the base of the toilet. This spot has a tendency to harbor the most bacteria and germs because of drips and splashes, making it one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom.

A thorough cleaning routine of hoovering, mopping, and sanitizing this surface is key to maintaining a hygienic bathroom. So, next time you clean the bathroom floor, don’t forget about this often overlooked spot.

dirty toilet
Photo by curraheeshutter from Shutterstock

3. The toilet

It’s no surprise that the toilet is one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom. According to cleaning experts, most bacteria and germs thrive in the toilet bowl and seat due to frequent use. They explain that, even though you flush your toilet after use, the spots around the commode can contain harmful microorganisms.

In fact, as you flush, the swirling water throws up hundreds of aerosols from fecal matter, making the area one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom.

This launches bacteria and germs not only onto the toilet but also onto the surrounding surfaces, including walls, drains, sinks, towels, towel holders, and toothbrush holders. The solution? Close the commode with the lid before flushing the toilet.

In order to thoroughly clean your toilet, it’s important to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the cleaning product you’re about to use. Apply it around the inside of the bowl and under the rim of the bowl, allowing it to flow down and coat the surfaces. Ensure that the entire bowl is covered.

Let the product sit for a couple of minutes to allow it to break down bacteria, mineral deposits, and stains. However, still consult the product label for the recommended time. Next, use a toilet bowl brush to scrub the whole interior of the bowl, paying special attention under the rim, to the waterline, and to the trapway, which is the S-shaped channel located at the bottom of the bowl. Apply some force and use a back-and-forth motion to remove build-up and stains.

After scrubbing, flush the toilet to ensure you rinse away the cleaning products and loosened particles. If your toilet has a powerful flush, you’ll probably have to rinse it manually with water.

The last step is to wipe the exterior of the toilet bowl (don’t forget about the handle) using a disinfecting wipe or a cloth dampened with a disinfecting cleaner. Dispose of the used cleaning materials properly, and give yourself a thorough hand wash when you’re finished.

4. The toothbrush holder

Yes, the place where you keep your toothbrush is one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom. This is because it’s one of the most underestimated and frequently overlooked spots that can harbor a surprising amount of germs. When was the last time you’d cleaned your toothbrush holder? If you can’t remember, there’s a sign that yours is most likely packed with bacteria and germs.

Though it looks innocuous, toothbrush holders collect harmful microorganisms from other areas of the bathroom, like the drain (when washing hands or face), toilet (when flushing), towel holders (when you hang dirty clothes), etc.

Similar to other surfaces that are the dirtiest places in your bathroom, you can turn it into a hygienic spot by regularly disinfecting your toothbrush holder. Wash it with hot, soapy water, and sanitize it with a disinfectant spray or wipes.

5. The sink

The bathroom sink is among the dirtiest places in your bathroom because it serves as a repository for viruses and bacteria. This is where all the dirty water from toothbrushing, handwashing, face-washing, and bathing congregates. In fact, the surfaces around the drain are most likely to remain dirty.

According to cleaning experts, the high traffic that sinks experience can lead to several unhygienic consequences. They explain that water tends to linger in the sink’s drain trap, producing a conductive environment for the growth of bacteria, mildew, and mold. Over time, this can lead to unsightly buildup and unpleasant odors.

Moreover, soap and toothpaste are often washed down the sink, leaving behind residues that can cling to the walls of the drain pipes, becoming a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

The result? Without regular cleaning and sanitizing, the sink turns into one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom.

Experts point out that sink drains aren’t easily accessible for regular cleaning, so most people don’t clean the drain area as often as they should. This eventually contributes to the buildup of germs and grime.

To avoid this from occurring, make sure you clean the sink drain at least once a month with a drain cleaning solution or a mix of vinegar and baking soda. This will help prevent the buildup of residue and bad smells.

For a diligent clean, remove the drain stopper and clean it separately. Scrub the stopper and the drain opening thoroughly. To prevent hair from clogging the pipes, install a hair catcher, and remember to clean it regularly as well to make sure it functions correctly.

dirty bathroom
Photo by Ana Anderson from Shutterstock

6. Shower curtain

Your shower curtain is also among the dirtiest places in your bathroom. Since it’s exposed to constant moisture, mold and mildew can easily grow there, making it a hidden source of grime.

To clean a shower curtain and get rid of mildew and mold, experts recommend regularly washing and disinfecting yours according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Better yet, consider getting a mold-resistant curtain that is easier to maintain.

7. Faucet handles

People tend to touch faucet handles with wet or dirty hands, transferring bacteria onto these frequently used surfaces and making them one of the dirtiest places in your bathroom. Faucet handles are also an often-neglected spot when it comes to disinfecting, so even though you clean them, you also need to make sure those germs are killed.

To step up the game, invest in touchless or sensor-activated faucets. According to cleaning experts, doing this effectively minimizes direct contact and can considerably reduce the spread of germs.

If you liked our article on the dirtiest places in your bathroom, you may also want to read 6 Places People Always Forget to Clean.

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