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12 Things You Should Clean Every Single Day (but Don’t)

Photo by Mehmet Cetin from Shutterstock


One of the things you should clean every single day and every time you use it is your toothbrush. With that being said, I hope you keep it miles away from the toilet and have a cover for it.  Researchers from the University of Manchester in England discovered that E. coli and staphylococci bacteria may thrive in toothbrushes.

According to the NFS, there are at least 200,000 germs per square inch on toothbrushes. All this suggests is that you could be introducing potentially fatal bacteria into your body rather than trying to whiten your teeth.

The best way to clean the toothbrush is by soaking it in a bit of hydrogen peroxide and letting it sit there for around 15 minutes. Before using it again, rinse it with warm water.

Handles and door knobs

Door handles and knobs are often handled throughout the day. Considering that these things have just returned from the outside, it is natural that they are dirty. Simply clean them each time you return home with a standard disinfecting wipe.

That’s it! Now, tell me what is your favorite cleaning routine?

Are you up for more cleaning tips? You’re definitely in the right place! Before leaving you may want to check out 9 Tips to Clean the Entire House in Half the Time

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3 Responses

  1. Table tops,bathroom toilet and sink every night. Dishes by hand kitchen sink and sponges cleaned with bleach every night. Stove every day after cooking. Shower wiped and sprayed after use

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