12 Things You Should Clean Every Single Day (but Don’t)

Photo by Mehmet Cetin from Shutterstock


One of the things you should clean every single day and every time you use it is your toothbrush. With that being said, I hope you keep it miles away from the toilet and have a cover for it.  Researchers from the University of Manchester in England discovered that E. coli and staphylococci bacteria may thrive in toothbrushes.

According to the NFS, there are at least 200,000 germs per square inch on toothbrushes. All this suggests is that you could be introducing potentially fatal bacteria into your body rather than trying to whiten your teeth.

The best way to clean the toothbrush is by soaking it in a bit of hydrogen peroxide and letting it sit there for around 15 minutes. Before using it again, rinse it with warm water.

Handles and door knobs

Door handles and knobs are often handled throughout the day. Considering that these things have just returned from the outside, it is natural that they are dirty. Simply clean them each time you return home with a standard disinfecting wipe.

That’s it! Now, tell me what is your favorite cleaning routine?

Are you up for more cleaning tips? You’re definitely in the right place! Before leaving you may want to check out 9 Tips to Clean the Entire House in Half the Time

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56 Responses

    1. I am on my way to reading the article but I saw your response and had to pause to let you know I am 90 sitting here in my nightgown, robe and slippers and think had I been this clean all my long life, I probably wouldn’t be sitting her right now! My French granny always said kids have to eat a pound of dirt before they grow up to be healthy. Guess I made enough mud pies to make it!!!

      Cheers, Lonnie, you’ve got a lot of dust to worry about now!!!!!!!!!!

    2. You’re so right and it is hilarious but true. I do my cleaning as frequent as possible, I hate a dirty place but at 65 years old still working and commute, yeah it gets exhausting to say the least

    3. Lucky to get dressed at 72 ???!!!!…..Yikes!!…I’m 75 and have no problem
      “getting dressed” or cleaning the things mentioned. You may need to start exercising……NOW!!!!

    4. Oh, I know I don’t only agree with you. I understand it It’s getting harder and harder to do stuff that that used to be a big deal. I guess that’s just part of it for some of us that Abused our bodies and they no longer work a DARN!

  1. Table tops,bathroom toilet and sink every night. Dishes by hand kitchen sink and sponges cleaned with bleach every night. Stove every day after cooking. Shower wiped and sprayed after use

    1. I totally agree and I actually take the toilet seats off once a month and clean that part the connects them! With men in the house it can get a urine bilud up there quick

  2. Good advice! Knew many of those things but not others. It’s exhausting just remembering and cleaning at 71 yrs old. Do it while your young! After 70, everything is a chore or just forget. How I remember is, everything I touch then think about how other family members touch, I know it’s got to be germy. If it bothers me, I wipe it down usually with wipes. It’s quick and easy.

  3. I’ve always done all of these things and want to add something things to the list. We store the kitchen sponge inside the dishwasher when not in use. This way it gets cleaned every time the dishwasher is run. Also I kept a car squeegee in the shower and scrub the entire stall daily, plus spray the entire stall with vinegar and water 3x a week. Another thing is using a pastry scrapper tool on the kitchen counter. It removes a lot of things that a sponge leaves behind and makes the counter extra smooth.

  4. Yes, the same.. my kitchen, bathrooms, floors and even electronics are cleaned and wiped down..My cars because of the job that I do, especially everyday…blessings🙏🏾to all

  5. When i joined the Organization of Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhisom; the Chanting of Nam myoho renge kyo, over (forty years ago)i didn’t understand how important sertain (activities,thougts, beliefs, fillings;so on) were to creating a harmonious peaceful and value creating life 🧬 and environment.Nam myoho renge kyo.Visit http://www.sgi-usa.org!

  6. I clean the microwave every night too.
    It’s used everyday and guys usually forget to cover the food with the micro-cover so there is splatter everywhere!

  7. There is a product made to help you with the shower. It hangs in the shower. Just close the curtain or door after you shower and it sprays away scum.
    But you used the people above full name. Use only first name.

  8. I never leave dishes over night. I’m 87 I clean what I can, when I can. You have a lot of good ideas.

  9. I’m a eighty year old man still fortunate enough to still work part time as a sales associate in a warehouse home store b/c I’m able to keep the smoke coming out of my chimney in December with this January weather.
    I feel blessed to have a beautiful wife two grown daughters and two grandchildren in our home where love wait for me and don’t forget to add a four year old Lab adore named Ollie and a yorkie poo named Winnie. My GuideBook says; Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

  10. Time???? Who has time to do all this??? I love having a clean house but at 76 I don’t think to do all this and still just am happy to be alive….

  11. Don’t forget to vacuum your curtains, and bedspreads , heat creates dust whether it be Winter or Summer !

  12. Some of these things are so basic that it’s hard to believe everyone isn’t already doing them. I clean my stovetop countertop and sink after each meal. I use the same dishwater that I’ve just used for the dishes, then rinse with clean hot water. Throw sponge in dishwasher a few times a week, or daily if you can remember. Daily use of bleach and disinfectants can create super germs, and should be avoided. If your countertop is contaminated by meat juices, wipe up the juice without spreading it around and use peroxide or alcohol to disinfect the area. Peroxide and alcohol do not create super germs.

  13. ….are you kidding me? Sheesh, I suspect not, but you gotta be “kidding” to expect anyone to actually clean even a quarter of these daily items daily. Come onnnn. Most of us might do a couple of these periodically, but no one daily.
    And, hey, that Edith you cite might be my sister. She’s as close as anyone to actually buying into these 12 ludicrous suggestions.

  14. You didn’t mention carpeting and floors. People walk around at shopping malls, gas stations, restaurants, grocery stores etc and walk into their home afterward with their shoes on, that have just walked on filthy ground. We do this too at my house and I don’t require guests to take off their shoes either. Hence, I vacuum the living room rug daily and the rest of the house is wood flooring; because we have a dog, I try to clean the wood floors weekly. We also have air purifiers running 24/7. In spite of all this, we still end up with colds and other respiratory issues.

  15. This can sound like an overwhelming list to some. Many are just common sense items very easy to incorporate into your routine, so you dont even see it as some thing “more to do”; its just automatic habit.
    1) I do not buy or use nasty sponges. Putting out fresh towels/ dishcloth daily is part of morning routine.
    2) purses, keys, phones etc are never allowed on the kitchen counters to begin with. Then you don’t have to worry about what might be on them.
    3) If everyone (old enough, like age 6) is taught and expected to leave a space “as clean, or cleaner” than they found it- that solves many problems right there. Of course- provide the tools/supplies necessary for them to do that very easily.

  16. My home is on a 5 acre lot . And on any day, a wind will blow light or strong. So I need to to wipe with damp sponge and vacuum the floors at least every other day. Otherwise my home gets a layer of dried earth (dust) everywhere.
    Its not dirt, its dried earth from the parts of 5 acres that are bare.
    If I leave it ’till the week- end (6 days ) you can write your name on the layer of dust.
    (dried earth) dust any place in my home
    But remember it is not filthy dirt like you’d get in a town or city from traffic and pollution.
    Its dried earth (dust) an stays If you did do not clean it away,
    Eventually one would be able to collect enough in a small bucket.
    To grow flowers or potatoes.

    I am 91 years old , born in 1934, the year Walt Disney created “Donald DUCK”

    My last sunset ain’t too far away now.
    And remember nobody gets off Planet alive so so worrying be happy

  17. Humans evolved out of the dust of the Earth. All this fuss about dust/dirt is based on cleaner products the writer wants you to buy. Naturally you don’t want to live in a living pile of dirt, but the advertising gets silly. Our bodies make antibodies to fight dust/dirt exposure so don’t get carried away with your sponsorship of the expensive products you want us to buy. A damp cloth and a mop can do most of the job. Peggy Day, 90 year-old housekeeper (or not).

  18. Hmmmm–and how are you supposed to do this AND hold down a job, sleep 8 hours, sit down to eat 3 meals a day and actually talk to your kids. Not realistic…not in this world.