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11 Items You Should Never Store on Top of Your Fridge

things you should never flush down your toilet
Photo by Vitalii Stock from


Medicine should be kept in a safe place, that cannot be easily reached by children. But everyone knows that when children want something, nothing can stand in their way. Not even the fact that they have to climb to get what they want. In fact, it might seem even more exciting. “Having meds out in the open, instead of behind a locked cupboard, is a potential disaster waiting to happen,” warns Edwards. Moreover, if you’re in pain or really need to take some medicine, you’re only making it harder for yourself to reach the medicine you need.

On top of that (not on top of the fridge!), medicine should be stored in dry, cool places. The top of the fridge is anything but that. If you want your medicine to remain effective, keep it in a specific medicine cabinet, properly locked.

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3 Responses

  1. I have never seen a refrigerator with any vents on the top of the refrigerator. They are in the back.