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Messy Home: 7 Reasons Why Your Home Looks Chaotic (Plus Tips)

messy home
Photo by Kmpzzz from

5. You don’t maintain

When I first moved in with my now-husband, we lived in a small one-bedroom apartment. We were both working a 9-to-5 job, so we weren’t that excited to deep clean our home every week.

We came up with this thing called a 15-minute blitzkrieg cleanup session, in which we did everything that was needed, whether it was vacuuming the living room, doing the dishes, taking the trash out, or putting things where they belonged.

If that activity ended up taking more than 15 minutes, it was fine because we wanted to move as fast as possible. You can try this technique too because it gives you a good feeling like you did something good for your home and yourself, and I promise you’re going to have such a better night’s sleep.

…Keep reading to discover other reasons why you have a messy home!

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