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10 Items You Should Never Leave Under the Kitchen Sink

things you should clean every single day
Photo by Romix Image from Shutterstock

Fragile dishes

The area under the sink might seem like the perfect location for fragile dishes, as it’s not that accessible to guests, for instance. But your fine China definitely deserves a better place. As explained by Stefan Bucur, a cleaning expert and founder of Rhythm of the Home, “if your dishes and other fragile items are stored next to the kitchen sink pipes, they are very likely to break” because of the rattling plumbing pipes.

Flammable materials

For flammable materials, the space under the kitchen is for sure not where they should be stored. This is also valid for cooking oil, flour as well as rubbing alcohol. Such materials should be kept in designated storage spaces.

By putting them under the kitchen sink and consequently next to water pipes, you run the risk of a spontaneous fire. Kerry Sherin, a home expert and consumer advocate at Ownerly, there can be all sorts of leakages so it’s better to keep hazardous materials away from the kitchen.

Read also: Warning! 7 Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix

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7 Responses

  1. You should leave a small bucket under the garbage disposal in case it leaks, especially if it is 6 years old or older. This will save you from cleaning up the mess in case it leaks. I know from personal experience!!!!

  2. How would you describe an “absorbent mat” for under the sink? Do you mean something cotton, like a towel or dishtowel? Something like a bathroom mat? I’m just a little confused about what to look for that’s absorbent, but not a catch-all for dampness and germs or dangerous substances.