10 Important Items to Keep Out of Your Outdoor Shed

old-paint-garage, outdoor shed
Photo by CL Shebley on Shutterstock

6. Paint

As you can already tell, many things on our list don’t do well in extreme temperatures, but the list doesn’t end here. Paint is another item that loses its properties when it comes into contact with severe weather. Unless your outdoor shed is insulated, you shouldn’t keep your cans of stains, primers, and spray paint in there because you might not be able to use them afterward.

The best way to store them is in a dark and cool place, such as your basement. Make sure they’re not too close to a heating or cooling source, and they should be fine.

7. Electronics

Just like batteries, leaving your electronics in an outdoor shed where every tiny temperature change is noticeable won’t do them any good. Moisture can corrode internal wiring and short-circuit your gadgets. Moreover, an LCD or LED panel’s liquid might freeze in extremely cold circumstances, which can cause an irreversibly damaged screen.

Unless your shed is properly insulated, make sure all of your electronics are safely in your house or an indoor garage. Storing your devices properly will ensure a longer life span, so don’t neglect this tip!

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