Microwave ceiling
If your microwave is placed above eye level, you might not see all the dust and dirt gathered there.
It’s normal for food to splatter when you cook. What’s not normal is to leave it there, and be covered by other layers of splatters. And the area that most people don’t clean enough is the microwave’s ceiling. As explained by Mock, you should wash this area once a week. She suggests combining 1 cup of water with /4 cup of vinegar in a bowl. Heat the bowl with the mix for a couple of minutes. Then wipe the walls and the ceiling with a sponge and voila! You’ve now got a freshly clean microwave, ceiling included.
Silverware tray
Looking for a spoon and finding all sorts of crumbs in the process is not exactly a pleasant experience. Whether your dishwasher is not doing its job properly or someone in the house is constantly leaving the drawer open, it’s clear that your drawer is in need of a thorough clean.
“Once a month, remove all your silverware from the tray and dump out the debris over your trash can or sink,” recommends Mock. Put some vinegar in a spray bottle, add water and use the mix to spray and wash the inside of the drawer and silverware tray. If the manufacturer did not specify otherwise and it’s safe, you can also put the tray in the dishwasher.