9 Household Items You Probably Aren’t Washing Enough

Photo by TY Lim on Shutterstock

Fan blades

You wouldn’t believe the amount of dust and grime that can be found on fan blades. when it comes to cleaning the fan blades, many people stick to the motto: “out of sight, out of mind”. But rather than having dust spread all over the room, take an old pillow case and a ladder and clean those dirty blades. In addition to eliminating a dust source, you’ll also keep the blades operational for longer and make them look good again.

According to Mock, fan blades should be cleaned at least once a month. During warmer seasons, dust accumulates faster, so they might need to be cleaned a bit more often, let’s say twice a month. Use the pillowcase to draw the dust towards you, thus preventing any debris from falling on the ground. Then use a cloth and an all-purpose cleaner to get the residual grime off the base and light accessories.

See also:Experts Say You’re Not Cleaning These 12 Areas in Your Bathroom


Most people wash the sheets and pillowcases but neglect to wash the actual pillows. What team are you on? If your pillows have not seen a thorough cleaning in a while, it’s time you give them the proper treatment.

Pillows should not be overlooked as they can collect quite a lot of dust mites and bacteria, as well as body oils, smells and sweat. Washing them will not only contribute to your overall health but it will also help them last longer.

According to Marla Mock, president of Molly Maid, pillows should be washed twice a year, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. In the case of foam pillows, for example, the recommendation is to hand wash them and avoid putting them in the washing machine.

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